Your Dog & Toxic Flea & Tick Prevention!

WP_20140314_002The advent of easy to use spot-on products has made flea & tick prevention convenient for many pet owners. Certain ticks can carry dangerous diseases  we’ve all become extra careful with our prevention routine.

We have more evidence coming in everyday that shows that both the “active” & “inactive” ingredients in the spot-on preparations have been linked to serious health effects both in laboratory animals & in pets.

The Washington -based Center for Public Integrity (CPI) a non profit investigative news organization, and the National Resources Defense Council, an environmental advocacy group, have both published reports about the safety of prescription & over the counter flea & tick treatments.

Fipronil – This is the active ingredient in “Frontline” which remains in a pet’s system with the potential for nervous system & thyroid hormones. Tests on laboratory animals resulted in thyroid cancer & altered thyroid hormones, liver & kidney toxicity, reduced fertility & convulsions. Frontlines web site creates the impression that the product stays in the oil glands of the skin. But the study shows ,in fact, it does enter the body and the organ system.

Imidacloprid – “advantage contains the active ingredient Imidacloprid. In laboratory studies Imidacloprid has been found to increase cholesterol levels in dogs, cause thyroid lesions, create liver toxicity, and has the potential for damaging the liver, heart, lungs,spleen, adrenals, brain & gonads. As a neurotoxin, it can cause incoordination along with labored breathing & muscle weakness. When this drug was tested after its introduction in 1994, researchers found an increase in the frequency of birth defects when it was tested on rats, mice & dogs. In the Journal of Pesticide reform, it has been exposed that thyroid lesions are a  direct result of exposure to Imidacloprid.

Pyrethrins- There have been over 1600 pet deaths reported from 2002-2007 from the above mentioned ingredient. That was nearly double the reported fatalities linked to flea treatments without pyrethrins. The pyrethroid spot-ons also accounted for more than half the major pesticide pet reactions including brain damage, heart attacks & seizures. Bio Spot & Tick control, Defend EXspot Treatment & Zodiac FleaTrol Spot On all contain either or both of the active ingredients Permethrin & or Pyriproxyfen. Permethrin has been implicated as a carcinogenic insecticide causing lung cancer & liver tumors in laboratory animals. There is also a suspicion that it disrupts endocrine function. It can act as a neurotoxin, causing tremors as well as increased aggressive behavior & learning problems. Vectra #D contains 36.08% Permethrins.

As a result of this new info they are taking a closer look at all the spot-on flea & tick products on the market. They are also addressing uncertainties about the so-called “inert” ingredients present in these products. Safer alternatives are very much needed for flea & tick control. Medical problems that have become common in our dogs & cats could potentially be linked to these previously believed to be innocuous spot on products.

Do your homework & read up on the ingredients in the flea & tick topicals & pills before you administer them. If you are more educated about these toxic products, you can  make a better decision on how to pick and choose the right ones.

My personal preference is  “All Natural” Flea & Tick products. No harsh chemicals to worry about and how they will affect my dogs. Pure 100% Essential Oils. I have used this type of product for years with no problems.



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